Six years back, the town got its first bio-methanation plant capable of handling about 1200 kilograms of food per day, which would convert food waste to methane.
How six key women leaders in the microfinance sector are confronting the crisis there.
The NABARD has taken up the project with an outlay of Rs. 6.99 crore, which would include a grant of Rs. 5.85 crore and the rest to be disbursed as loan.
Ford India's Endeavour model has been silently showcasing its performance in a hill village in Tamil Nadu where it has helped 41 pregnant women to deliver their babies safely.
A Chennai-based development organisation is among the five winners of this year's World Environment Day Challenge organised by the UN for inspiring environmental action.
Hand in Hand India's Environment arm is among the 12 finalists for the BBC World Challenge Award.