In 2017, a quiet digital revolution was happening in rural and tier-2 cities of Tamil Nadu. It involved 50,000 women entrepreneurs from HiH India’s Self Help Groups who were selling diverse products. HiH India and its CSR partner were bringing together these women under a unique, revolutionary B2B mobile marketplace.
Rural women who had their own products, now had a marketplace to trade them on. From selling snacks to leather goods, poultry to paddy, this app allows women-run businesses to find their customers online. The entrepreneurs were trained in using mobile devices and the internet to enable them to become tech-savvy businesswomen. Linking these women to various Government schemes was next on our task-list.
Today the app is in the stages of evolving into an e-commerce platform. The women on this platform have increased their market linkages many times over and so also their income. The project has been an evolution that has changed many lives.